Ivy Admissions Group

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#MBAMindfulnessMonday: Aromatherapy

The biggest misconception about business school is that it is one big “vacation.” In fact, many find business school to be two of the most straining (but satisfying!) years of their lives. You’ll have little time to cook for yourself, hit the gym, or sleep a full 8 hours. Networking, recruiting, and social events will disrupt any semblance of a regular schedule. Frequent travel for career treks, job interviews, or group excursions will test the limits of your immune system. In a fast-paced environment like this, it is important to develop habits that will promote good physical and mental health.

Starting now, we will be rolling out a #MBAMindfulnessMonday series of tips for you to use as you embark on your application and enroll in classes.

The first one is an important tip for anyone attending business school in a northern, colder climate: the essential oil diffuser. An oil diffuser is a great addition to your study room while you work and your bedroom while you sleep. Cold weather takes moisture out of the air, leading to rough itchy hands and even bloody noses (both bad for job interviews). Water-based aromatherapy diffusers are great at restoring some of this moisture and keep you feeling your best.

While the medical benefits of essential oils are debatable, consistent use of certain oils throughout the day can signal to your body how it is supposed to feel when regular schedules are elusive: orange in the morning can help you “wake up” and lavender in the evening can signal when it is time to wind down. Even the occasional use of an oil diffuser can elevate something as banal as studying into a restorative, spa-like experience.